Wednesday, October 8, 2014

how do i nest?

I remember during the early part of my pregnancy, I nested immediately by cleaning and clearing out our pantry. Suddenly I had the urge to throw everything out and have an immaculately bare pantry. People at the house didn't know yet that I am expecting by then.

Then it stopped. By the 7th month, I have the urge to nest again. I nested by trying to organize everything in our house. I am always searching for storage boxes and storage bags and containers so that everything will be in its proper place even pins and tacks.

I am perusing the Pinterest for inspiration for (shared) nursery and for kids' room (for Kid #1) and just pinning like crazy and planning everything in my head what are the to-do's (and to-buy's?) to make the house ready for the coming wee one.

By the time I have to execute those plans, I am too tired. So in reality, I haven't really done anything yet. Haha. And that, my friends, is how I nest.

I am no Martha Stewart and don't expect me to come up with a Pinterest worthy room make over. But in the spirit of sharing a before and after case, this is how the master bedroom looks right now. We are still co-rooming with Kid #1. When he moves out, we will be co-rooming with Kid #2. The bed will just be replaced with a crib but on the other side of the bed.

And here's Kid #1 room right now. Used to be an in-law suite, so that is why there is a bed. Still a longggggg way to go.

Honestly, getting the house ready is stressing me out. That and Kid #1's halloween costume. I am hoping everything will at least be liveable before the wee one arrives.

I have already started last night on organizing our things. I started with my shoes. I bought this shoe organizer and threw away all the boxes that are occupying too much space. Will post pics some other time.

Happy Hump Day!

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