Friday, October 3, 2014


I thought the purpose of our staycation was for my birthday. The hotel is nice. It was one of the newly built ones. 

Here's how I imagined our staycation would be: just the 3 (4?) of us hanging out ...

Kid #1 enjoyed the pool. 

With the surprise shower, he got to enjoy the pool with a friend.

He's so proud with his hand stand. 

While on my actual birthday, J and I got to have an "us" time.

I know sushi and raw are a no-no for preggers but ... i just can't resist it. 

I just so love this beef... 

At home, I insisted on having another birthday cake ... 

My "Celebration"

Kid #1 pointing to his gift to me (aside from the DIY card he gave earlier) 

Oh, how I miss this ... 

Here's to more years of surprises! Happy birthday to us, 'Nay! Cheers!

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