Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Two Mondays ago, I went to Yoga during the office lunch break. Weekend before that, I have this achy neck-right shoulder. But after Yoga, it was all fine now. Not sure if it healed on itself or I'm just linking it to Yoga. Just glad, that it is not bothering me now.

So while my neck-shoulder are all okay, I am now sore on my back and abs (look at that, abs!). I don't know. I'm sure I don't have abs, but maybe it is there after all. Hiding underneath several layers of fats. Do fat cells hurt when you exercise?

It was just a 45 minute yoga, but boy, oh boy, my non-existent abs hurt even when I'm just coughing. But that is the kind of hurt that I brings a smile on my face. Because that means I did something good for myself. He he he.

I think I'm going to do regular Yoga again. Too bad, this week's Monday was a holiday. The instructor said we can practice at home by ourselves. It's just that ... I know I can't do it at home, with the kids and all that. I am not that kind of super mom.

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