Monday, February 1, 2016

baby stuff

I have posted before I gave birth some of the baby stuff that we were planning on investing on: crib and mattress, milk, bath and skin care. Just wanted to finish what I have started (for once?) so here's the rest of it.

We gave the baby whatever kind of milk that were given to us. Yeah. We're cheap. He was breastfed primarily so any other milk sufficed (Nestle Good Start, Enfa and Similac). But we mostly gave him Enfa after all of the freebies were gone and after he has stopped liking Mommy's milk. Now that he's a toddler, we are giving him homo.

For feeding bottles, we used Avent. Did not try any other ones. Avent were also the brand that we used with Kid #1. We used Dapple and Greenworks for the baby bottle dish soap. We also received Babies R Us sterilizer from the Baby Shower and that's what we are using until now. For Kid #1, we used Chicco.

Skin Care
I bought a lot of baby skin care before having the little one. Usually got the sample size if the brand has one. I bought Dr. Bronner's, Mustela, Wedela, Badger and Earth Mama Angel Baby. I've tried all of them. What stuck? I like Dr. Bronner's in washing his baby bums, specially when going out? It smells nice and it rinses easily well. But for total bathing and washing, I like Mustela the best. And that's what we are using still until now. For shampoo, he uses J&J. For moisturizer, we also stick with Mustela.

For diaper rash, I tried Badger and even Lanolin. But still went back to Desitin. Desitin worked with Kid #1 and still what worked with Kid #2.

At first, I only used organic textiles for him. Bought them from Under the Nile, Sckoon, Aden & Anais, Perlimpinpin, Little Bamboo. We got gifts that came elsewhere and we used them also. Now, mostly all of his clothes are from major commercial retailers. But I must say that those initial investments I've bought were all great. They were really, really soft. Even the nurses from the hospital made a comment that, those were the softest swaddling cloth they have ever touched.

Stroller/Car Seat
We got the Graco Click Connect Stroller and Car seat combo. I forgot the actual Model/Type. We are still using both. The car seat is up to 35 lbs. Although Kid #2's legs and feet are now dangling outside the car seat, since he's still within the weight limit, we are still using it. We will get a new car seat once winter is over. We brought the stroller with us when we went back to the Philippines but it is not public commuter friendly, so we bought a slimmer stroller from Chicco and brought it back here, we will not buy umbrella stoller anymore once Kid #2 is too big for his baby stroller.

I bought Naty diapers online to try on. It was okay. But  they were expensive. I believe they are also available on our local grocery store. But since J was the one doing the grocery while I was at the house with the baby, and he will not look for it at the store and he will not buy it since, it costs more, we used Pampers swaddlers. That's the best compromise that we can afford.

I tried to limit our purchase of toys. We have enough clutter at home and I don't want bins and bins and bins of toys overtaking our house. The toys that I bought were Sophie, 2 wooden toy cars and a teething dinosaur from Etsy, wooden Catterpillar from Begin Again, wooden Grasping beads and wooden Fish rattle from Haba, Uncle Goose's wooden alphabet blocks, Janod Animal Alphabet Cards, and Share Sorter and Stacking Cups from Green Toys. I highly recommend these toys because they are safe for babies and kids. I purchased some mainstream toys too, a soft book from Skip Hop and a few soft toys and stroller toys. We have received a couple of battery operated toys too, mostly from Fisher Price.

So far, he enjoyed Sophie, the Grasping beads, wooden blocks, alphabet cards, shape sorted and stacking cups. He still enjoys them except for Sophie. But he likes Sophie Books.


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