in mandaluyong, there were the kaimito and duhat trees that tatay used to climb and throw in the fruits down to us. i believe they are still living but neglected. i notice they don't bear fruits that often than they used to.
in cainta, i have my alatris tree (opposite our house). and 3 other alatris trees (belongs to my sis and my cousins), and 3 alatris trees beside our house. the 4 philippine mahogany trees (opposite our house) that were cut together with the 4 alatris (including mine) to make way for a basketball court.
the 3 remaining alatris trees were cut to build the apartment that we live in now.
then there's the narra tree in our grade school yard, which still stands there and i planned to take a picture of everyday, but only managed to take a few ones and yes, that project is temporariy halted.
i used to love summers when we had a tree that has orange flowers, a tree with violet flowers and narra with yellow flowers. while our street smelled of flowers from the philppine mahogany.
and the acacia tree on our grade school where we used play under with. these acacia and narra trees are always present in my dreams, up until now, believe it or not.
and then the mango tree in our banal na bilog (holy circle) during my high school days.
one day, i'll visit those living trees of my childhood and take pictures of them.
for now, here are some of my tree pictures...
banyan tree (balete) in carson, california
tall trees in bohol (are those mahogany, i forgot)
a tree in davao (looks like baobab, but i don't know)
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