Wednesday, September 24, 2014

old dog, new tricks

So as promised, to revive this blog, here's a summary of one of the drafts that i deemed good enough to share. Some new things about me .... Although of course, the newest would be I will be a mother again, but you already know that :)


I have learned to be in the front line, Customer Service at its purest form! :) I have been a Sales Associate for 2.5 years. Let's just say that anything that a girl at SM can do, I can do it too.

I am now a proud, legit driver. That makes me feel kind of grown up, don't you think? I don't have to ask J to drive me if I wanted to go somewhere else. I have done whole winter season driving. No accidents, thank, God. Just got caught beating the red light.

I have enrolled in a gym, for 3 months (I know, I know, really not that committed), and went for about 5 times. Fail. I have long accepted that I am not an exercise type of person. Let's not lose hope. Maybe gym is not for me. I can try jogging again. Or swimming.

I have wanted to try Yoga for the longest time. I know, so late, the train has left decades ago. I signed  up and attended to Fall and Winter classes. Don't ask what kind of Yoga. I am just a poser. And breather. Namaste.

Owned a sewing machine and have actually sewn a thing. Or two. I am also doing alterations, of my own clothes. I am not that confident enough to do somebody else's, afraid that I will ruin their clothes.

Set up my own website. Yeah. Website is up for about 3 years but hardly any updates. Let's just leave it at that.

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