Monday, January 14, 2013

stuck in a moment

this is my attempt to revive this blog for the nth time..

anyhow, i found myself not blogging not because with the lack of things to share,
because i have, in almost 3 years of being an immigrant, i think i have enough stories to tell.
but rather it's because i have less the courage and rationale to share.
i mean what do i tell? which lead me to ask, why should i blog (again) in the first place?

i read somewhere that just because it happened, it matters. do i write because it matters to anyone?
or do i write because it matters to me? because i want something that i can go back to?

another question is, how much is too much?

by the way, i dont know if the title is apt for the post, but i kind of wrote the title first beforet the content.
and i kind of like it.

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