Friday, August 27, 2010


as promised, here are my my scores ....

reading: 8
no comment.

writing: 7
marilenn is able to write on both familiar and abstract topic. in her writing, she demonstrated an appropriate sense of audience. marilenn has very good control of simple structures and adequate control of complex grammar.

listening: 7
marilenn has no difficulty understanding questions or instructions. she was able to answer concrete and abstract questions regarding the listening. marilenn could pick out key words and phrases from the listening.

speaking: 7
marilenn speaks with confidence on familiar and abstract topics. she has very good control of grammar, and is able to use a wide variety of vocabulary. marilenn is able to make comparisons, give her opinion and provide supporting ideas.


so why didn't i have a perfect score in writing where as their assessment stated that i wrote well, i have coherent ideas and that i know that i have a particular audience in mind? that my punctuations are okay and that i have a wide range of vocabulary?

well.... i have to write with correct capitalization. you see, since high school, my handwriting has always been ALL CAPS. all right, i know that when typing or texting, using ALL CAPS means shouting. and according to them, it goes with handwriting too. so now, i am trying to change my handwriting. and i am hating it.

i always take pride in my handwriting. i know i have very good handwriting, legible and with a sense of certainty. but all in capital letters. right now, writing in correct capitalization makes my handwriting a little bit awkward and unsure. i even had a hard time in spelling because i am so not used to writing in small letters. hayyy..

listening is what made me so anxious. i thought i would fail, because i really had a hard time "memorizing" all the sentences that i've heard, word for word. good thing that he noticed that i can grasp the keywords.

really, when i was listening, i was memorizing the sentences. but after i took off the headsets, there goes my sentences. hehehe .. maybe because i'm so used in jotting down notes if i have to remember anything.

in actual conversation, we also listen, right? but we can talk back immediately without having to memorize everything. in listening and then mimicking it, i found it hard.

what i did to somehow made the evaluator think that i am a good listener? i engaged him in lengthy conversation. heee .. when he asked me about something, i replied in lengthy answers with lots of side stories. hehehe that is the purpose of the evaluation, right, to see if i can communicate in the languate. i guess that paid off. i remember even telling him stories about the queen and the streets in london and the streets here in winnipeg (i was reading diana chronicles that time and the queen was in winnipeg for a visit!).

i don't know why i didn't get a perfect score in speaking??? hehe duh! of course i know. i am still not that confident in speaking in english. i still have that habit of constructing the sentences in my head before speaking. but having a score of 7 is not that bad. i am accepting it :)

after the evaluation, i told the evaluator i am interested in taking english classes. there is this intensive english program from the university of winnipeg, there is this eglish for technical purposes and enhances english skills for employment. i am particulary interested with the correct pronunciation, intonation, diction and accent.

but most specially, i just really want to practice speaking in english. plainly having someone to converse with in english without having to laugh at each other. it's hard to speak in english in the house, jason and both felt and sounded hilarious.

but i didn't enroll. maybe this fall. i can't afford to try and have the accent while aquim would be alone in the house. maybe this fall....


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