Monday, June 2, 2008

Earth to us: what have you done for me lately?

this is supposed to be my Earth day entry. But everyday can be and should be Earth day, so i'm doing it now.

to ease out our carbon footprints & help our earth continue breathing, our family has been doing the following measures:

- unplug appliance when not in used, like the tv, fan, sterilizer

- limit the number of lights on to, as much a possible, only one. max: 2.

- limit the number of tv hours to 8hrs a day.

- use tap water in taking a bath. this also applies to aquim. not unless it's raining all day & night,
then aquim can use hot water

- do batch ironing of clothes, once every 2 weeks

- jason only brings the car twice a week

- walking to & from the grocery store - bring reusable bag when grocering

- bring recyclables to recycling shops

- conserve water. aquim's used bath water is used to water our plants, flush the toilet, clean the floor

- limit the aircon use. that is 7pm to 7am only.

- consume less. buy less. use mass transport. travel only if & when necessary. i'm not shopping that much these past months. not by choice but by circumstances hehe but its now becoming a way of life, kinda.

why we are doing this? we're thinking about aquim & his future.

we've heard all about the current status of our planet, we've seen all about climate change, global warming & its effects; stronger typhoons, melting icecaps, drowning polar bears, dying marine life, etc. but we also know the causes of this & the solution. the message is clear, our Earth is still living, still breathing and there's a lot that we can do for her, for our sake, for our children.

why our family is doing this? because we care. we all should.


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