Sunday, June 20, 2010

one year

it has been a year since I lost kutchie...wahhh!

Monday, June 14, 2010

assiniboine park

the sun is up today. after a week-long rain. where else to go (everybody is there!) but to the park. good thing we went with our hosts to the assiniboine park. we had a great time. assiniboine park is so huge (biggest in winnipeg), we only get to see one part. hopefully, we can get to go there again. and explore each and every garden. eat on its restaurants. and visit the zoo.
In 1904, the City of Winnipeg purchased 283 acres of woodland and prairie along the south side of the Assiniboine River. Termed the “Suburban Park” for the first ten years, Assiniboine Park, as it was later named, was the first of the City’s Regional Park system.

Leo Mol Sculpture Garden
English Gardens
Formal Gardens
Flat Gardens
Abilities Gardens
Herb Garden
Garden of Life

Citizens Hall of Fame
Miniature Steam Train
Pony Rides
Bike rentals

Assiniboine Park Zoo
We didnt get to see all of these. Actually, i'm not sure where we were. It was just a vast green land. Defintely, would like to visit it again and check out the gardens.

one of the entrances. dont know which side it is.

we were on the other side of the park, where we had our little picnic.

aquim get to see new friends.

hello there

then we head off to a more open ground, where everyone can do anything,

under the sun! hehehe

frisbee with a fellow kid. they're the youngest in the group.

at one time, he asked me if he can kiss the trees. because trees are nice daw.

hehehe he used to see me hugging the trees. now he wants to kiss it.

playing (flying) around.

end of tour.

the rest of the pictures are in here